Here are five ways to teach your child the skills of positive thought.
1.) Teach an Attitude of Appreciation. Teach your child positive thought patterns of appreciation and love as they go through their day. In the animated storybook, “Goodnight Moon,” a little bunny says good night to all the items in his room before going to sleep. This attitude of appreciation will go a long way toward role-modeling for happy, healthy children.
2.) Make a Game of Finding Things to Appreciate. When you are riding in the car, upon waking, meal time or going about your day, bring up things to appreciate and have fun doing it. Use the first letter of the alphabet to find things to appreciate around you or use your imagination. Rhyming appreciations or singing them are also fun ways to learn. The animated storybook, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” uses rhymes to teach colors.
3.) Use Uplifting, Positive Words in Conversations. Examples of positive words are enjoy, love, sweet, precious, fun, smile, and wonderful. Affirmations are statements that are repeated often. Repeat positive phases throughout the day that you would like to reinforce. The encouraging book, “I Think I Can,” uses a repetitive thought pattern to reinforce a desired outcome.
4.) Watch Positive Movies and Read Positive Books, How we feel throughout the day is the direct result of what we think about or surround ourselves with. Our thoughts determine how happy we are from moment to moment. The images and words we immerse ourselves with are very important to our current moods. Teach your children to think the best thoughts they can in any situation. The Sesame Street book, “Everybody Dance,” as well as many other books and movies make life fun and interesting.
5.) Talk about Positive Outcomes, instead of things to avoid or fearful outcomes. Talk about safety, security, happiness, respect, freedom, peace of mind, clarity and health. Be more a solution thinker than a problem thinker. Thinking about negative outcomes in our mind causes stress. Thinking about positive outcomes is a major cause of hope and happiness.
Everyday, parents role-model patterns of thought to their children. Teach your child positive thought skills. Positive thought skills is something fun to learn and practice together.
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