Friday, August 3, 2012

2012 Shocking John Carter Movie

This is the 2012 shocking John Carter movie review we have all been waiting for. The movie is a bit all over the place and we think that it doesn’t deserve an 8. Taylor Kitsch plays John Carter. Carter starts off as a Civil War vet and gets transported to Mars where he meeds some strange inhabitants.
The movie based off a story by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The movie has a bit of everything and it can seem a bit drawn out at times.

John Carter from Earth gets extraordinary strength on planet Mars as he has come from a planet with less gravity. The story kind of jumps around a bit and the back story isn’t told that well. For kids and teenagers, it is an enjoyable movie and worth the ticket price.

The 3D animations are life like and done very well. These days you won’t find many movies that don’t use much special effects. With a budget of $250 million, the movie will have to do very well to make its money back. It doesn’t have the big advertising like other movies and will kind of struggle in the box office.
The movie runs for more than 2 hours and you get to see a lot of Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins. Lynn Collins plays the princess and she does it pretty well. She looks the part and has a nice screen presence.
We at egglets give this movie 7 egglets out of a possible 10. It just doesn’t have the compelling storyline that flows well. Its kind of a bit everywhere and there isn’t enough explanation of things.

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